10 Tips To Survive Divorce Litigation

If you are in the process of divorcing your spouse and find yourself involved in litigation, you may be in need of support. Litigation is an exhausting exercise and can make even the most well-prepared people feel stressed out and overwhelmed. Follow the 10 steps below to help you get through this stressful period.

  1. Make sure that you cannot work out most of the issues with mediation. Every issue that can be agreed upon in advance will reduce the time and money spent in the courtroom.
  2. Try to find a lawyer who takes a collaborative approach to divorce using non-adversarial techniques.
  3. Get plenty of support for yourself and children with family therapy to better cope better with this process.
  4. Be patient; litigation is time-consuming and delays and postponements are common and to be expected. You may want stay abreast of how much money these delays are costing both you and your spouse when considering how to best resolve issues. Don't let your pride get ahead of your common sense.
  5. Don't allow yourself to be bullied or intimidated by your spouse. Litigation can bring out all types of bad behavior, so stay calm and refuse to participate in these antics.
  6. When the court delays become never-ending, revisit efforts for mediation to try to work out issues outside of court.
  7. Don't use the court system to be petty and punitive. There are no winners when your motivation is punishment.
  8. Do not involve your children in your courtroom battles. Divorce itself is traumatic enough for children without them witnessing anger and bitterness toward their parent. Judges making custody decisions do not look kindly upon parents who use their children as weapons.
  9. The support of friends and family during this process is vital, but be cautious. Everyone has horror stories about divorce and you will now no doubt hear all of them. Just remember, this is your divorce, and no one else is in your unique situation.
  10. Learn to let go and compromise. You may not agree with every point, but your life cannot be put on hold forever while your divorce slowly winds its way through the courts.

Keeping your wits about you during this trying time is not easy, but in exchange you have an opportunity to learn just how strong and positive you can be. You will survive your divorce and be ready to turn the page and begin a new chapter in your life. For more tips, contact a firm such as Warfield Darrah & Erdmann.
