3 Facts You Should Know Before Starting A Divorce Process

There are many reasons you may consider a judicial separation or divorce. For example, if your partner is abusive or dishonest with financial matters, a separation might be the best option. Furthermore, divorce is sometimes the best remedy for a strenuous relationship filled with constant arguments.  Whatever the reason, you must ensure that you understand everything about the process before taking any steps. A divorce lawyer can help you understand your state's divorce laws and requirements and offer you the needed guidance through the procedures. [Read More]

Retirement Savings: An Important Marital Asset

As you and your spouse discuss your upcoming divorce, understanding what is and what is not marital assets is important. Unfortunately, many divorcing parties fail to realize what they are entitled to until it's too late. To find out more about qualified domestic relations orders (QDRO) and what they mean to you, read below. Marital Property Pointers Married couples divide their property based on several factors. The state of residence governs the overall divisions. [Read More]

Divorce Lawyer: See What You Should Do to Win a Contested Divorce Case

One of the most challenging situations that you might have to deal with is a contested divorce. In most cases, when you decide to part with a partner, it is because they have taken away your peace and made your life miserable in a big way. Therefore, when they start threatening divorce to punish you, you might have a hard time disengaging. However, the process will be better when you have a competent divorce lawyer working with you. [Read More]

Transportation Troubles During The Divorce Run Up

Not all families have more than one vehicle with which to get around. In most places, it's almost impossible to go to the grocery store, your job, medical appointment, and other places using public transportation. Read on to find out how to handle this common problem during the separation leading up to a divorce. Something to Worry About? Unfortunately, some people who want and need to separate and divorce are reluctant to do so because of the vehicle issue and others. [Read More]