Why You Might Need A Child Support Attorney

If you get divorced when your children are young, you're looking at many years of dealing with child support. If you and your ex-spouse are not on good terms, things could be rocky at times. Even if you're friends with your ex-spouse, there might be reasons to adjust child support over the years. Here are some times you may want to consult a child support attorney.

When Your Ex-Spouse Won't Pay

Not paying child support is a serious issue. You can get help with a local child support agency and the court when you need to make your spouse pay, but an attorney can help, too. An attorney works for you individually, so your case isn't pushed aside. An attorney can help locate your spouse and then guide you through the paperwork and processes needed to get the child support payments back on track. An attorney advises you of all your options when you have problems with an ex-spouse that may go beyond getting child support. Knowing your legal rights and how to pursue them is important when the welfare of your children is concerned.

When You Need To Establish Paternity

It's possible you'll want proof of paternity before you enter into a child support agreement. An attorney can arrange the testing and oversee the legal process of determining if a child is yours before working out the terms of child custody. You may want this done if there's any question about the child's paternity so you don't have to pay for years of child support if the child in question isn't yours.

When Life Circumstances Change

You and your ex-spouse will have many life changes over the years that affect your finances. You may lose a job and be unemployed for several months. You might become ill or disabled. When you're unable to keep up with child support payments as originally agreed, the arrangement may need to be modified. Also, shared custody changes due to moving to another city for a job, could affect how much child support you need to pay.

If your child spends less time in your home, you may need to pay more to your ex-spouse for child support. Any time there is a significant change in your financial or life situations, it could be time to change the support agreement. However, you'll still need to comply with certain regulations, and an attorney can help you know if changing the agreement is possible and a good idea.

Hopefully, you won't experience child support issues, but a lot can change over the years as your children grow. They'll need financial support so they get proper medical and dental care and have a happy life. A child custody lawyer watches out for the welfare of your children and makes sure they get the financial protection they deserve.
